Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today, I fell asleep while working from home (sh!) and I dreamed this strange dream:

My brother had a mullet. He didn't have an on-purpose-mullet, but a mullet because he'd gone so long without a haircut. My mom had kept giving him money to get his haircut, and he told us that he was going, but he wasn't going. He was stealing the money each time. I was furious at him and my family was trying to figure out a plot to prove that he was lying. Then, my dad marches valiantly into the house with plain gree, green with yellow polka dots, and t-rex t-shirt scraps and said that each time Russell goes to get his haircut, he leaves these t-shirt scraps in the truck! Since there were only three kinds, he was lying! We had proof! Insert random scenes of me vacuuming and showing my friend LeAnne this business that was located in my parents laundry room and Luke watching golf with my Papaw. We were all going out to dinner and I stopped at the steps to the door to the kitchen and screamed "AND HE'S NOT EVEN SPENDING TIME WITH THE FAMILY AND I WON'T SEE HIM BEFORE HE MOVES TO COLLEGE!!" and I was so angry that my brother was going away this weekend, the last weekend before he moves to college. (I'm not really angry; he has to do what he has to do!) So at dinner, no one talked to Russell. And at dinner, someone gave away three door prizes! Everyone wanted this pink stone charm with blue spots but one lady got it and everyone kept saying "I want it! I want it! I want it!" and grabbing for it like a bunch of children! The lady put her hand on her heart and said "I will give it to Blue!" (Blue is a bulldog that I used to know.) And she hands it to Greg, a man that interviewed me for my job and was also in my childbirth class with his wife. She gave it to Greg/Blue to give to his wife because she had her baby on Sunday. And Dad laid the scraps out on the table and told Russell "We know." very seriously. And Russell tried to play it off and I wouldn't give him a computer.

I had hot dogs before sleeping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what amazes me?

Not that you have such strangely intricate odd dreams (okay that amazes me too), but that you can remember and detail them afterward!